Hotel Borgholm's opening hours
Below you will find the hotel's and restaurant's opening hours.
Depending on occupancy and demand, these times may be extended.
Contact us Please let us know if you wish to book accommodation or a conference outside of these opening hours.
26 Feb to 27 April
Wednesday to Sunday
Other times for pre-booking according to agreement for conferences, business trips or group bookings.
April 29 to June 22
Tuesday to Sunday
Other times for pre-booking according to agreement for conferences, business trips or group bookings.
23 June to 31 August
Every day of the week
September 2 to September 28
Tuesday to Sunday
Other times for pre-booking according to agreement for conferences, business trips or group bookings.
1 October to 21 December (New Year's package 30/12 – 1/1/2026)
Wednesday to Sunday
(v.47 CLOSED)
Other times for pre-booking according to agreement for conferences, business trips or group bookings
A warm welcome to us at Hotell Borgholm and Öland
We are a small organization and may not always be available via telephone 0485-770 60. But on the website we can be booked around the clock and you can email us at then we will reply as soon as we can.
Spring online booking is open around the clock.
Here you will find more information about how you contact us.
February 26 to April 26
Wednesday to Saturday
Dinner from 18.00
April 29 to June 28
Tuesday to Saturday
Dinner from 18.00
30 June to 24 August
Monday to Friday
Dinner from 18.00
August 26 to September 27
Tuesday to Saturday
Dinner from 18.00
1 October to 15 November
Wednesday to Saturday
Dinner from 18.00
(v.47 CLOSED)
November 26 to December 20
Wednesday to Saturday
Christmas dinner from 18.00
An Island Boulangerie, right in the heart of Borgholm.
Here we refine grain from the area and bake with a large portion of love.
Our Boulangerie offers stone-baked bread, buns, croissants and coffee together with light lunches, hearty sandwiches and a deli shop with all kinds of delicacies to enjoy on our outdoor terrace facing the popular pedestrian street in the middle of central Borgholm.
Cake for the big party or pastry for the few.
The living room with our bar and bar menu is open from 15:00, all days the hotel is open. (see opening hours under "the hotel"